On the 19th of January 2012, I came to the United States of America. On the plane, I was very scared. However, I actually met many nice people. The hostesses were French and communicating with them was not extremely hard because I took French classes in Ethiopia. My absolutely small French skills came in handy on the plane because I was talking to a French lady who wanted to give me some of her own food. I was very picky that day, I hated the food on the plane and couldn’t even eat half of the plate the hostess brought me. She saw that I liked the small bread with jelly, so she insisted on giving me hers. I replied to her, “Mercy, beaucoup.” I came alone with the assistance of the hostesses. My mother was living here in the US. The plane then made a safe landing in Atlanta. I was sitting in my seat and looking at the very giant people rushing out of the plane. After sitting there for about 10 minutes, one of the hostesses came and held my hand. She told me that we had arrived and that she was going to take me to my mother. I finally met my mother, and she took me to the baggage claim to get the huge luggage I had brought from Ethiopia. She put me in her car and finally drove on the highway. I was very scared because of the noise the highway made. It was like hearing millions of people shouting at once. We got home, and I asked her why the plane took a longer route. She told me that the plane ticket was cheaper that way. At that point, I realised that many things I had imagined about America was not real. Things that were true includes skyscrapers, cars, and tall people. Things that I totally got wrong was me thinking that my mother was rich because she was in “America.” She told me that she had two jobs and how life in America is not how many people think it is. She then told me that I need to work very hard in school and make her proud by being successful. 

Image result for ethiopian airline
Credit: “Ethiopian Airlines ET-AVJ takeoff from TLV” by “LLBG Spotter” available for reuse through Google Images.